2023: CLICK HERE and share how you paid it forward!

Each year, I ask you to do a little good in the world in Thor’s memory. Unexpected kindness is a powerful healer and salve in these difficult times! Comment on this post (by clicking title above) to tell us what you did! #payitforwardforthor #rememberingthor

27 Replies to “2023: CLICK HERE and share how you paid it forward!”

  1. Contributed to Billy Boys Blueberry farm for people who can’t afford to buy the berries. They also give a brief overview of Thor’s life. ❤️☮️

  2. I’m still helping my friend with daughter(s) issues by talking to him about reality vs the past as they are now adults in their 30’s…navigating life.

    He is also trying to make an exit plan after 30+ years of university employment, mostly teaching, to the unknown afterlife of change as a man without a demanding university job of regularity.

    My friend has Choice’s currently with unsettling unknowns to him ….without a wife or partner to share the remaining years…

    Friendship, constant talking/texting, lunch exposure to me, face to face human interaction is my kindness to be a friend.

  3. 2 to 3 times per week I work in a clothing closet. The people I meet are priceless I’ve had occasion to help immigrants and their families. Thor would be proud because at this free store we have lots of belts

  4. We had a lot of ideas at family lunch. Ultimately we landed on buying a pizza and taking it to a homeless camp we saw earlier in the day. The folks there were very grateful. The kids were glad to do it.
    And Will also rescued a trapped frog and returned it to a creek!

  5. Near the Stevenson exit on Cicero there’s a gentleman who routinely sells cotton candy. It’s been a hot summer. Bought 20 of his cotton candy to ease his load. Hopefully that’ll help him get home faster to his family.

  6. I cleaned the grounds/gardens at the Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, CO. The gardens that surround the visitor center require volunteer-based weeding, trash pick-up, and planting. Thinking of Jennifer and Thor!

  7. A friend lost their job quite suddenly, I was able to help pay their rent and get them some groceries, the way I know Thor would have had he been here.

  8. I have my own PIF
    I call it Pay It Forward Keep The Coins
    Whenever I go somewhere and I pay cash, if I’m supposed to receive change back I tell the cashier to keep it. I tell them blessings will come their way 🙂
    One young lady I did that to got really excited the next time she saw me. She told me after I left her store she went on her lunch break. She walked into the break room and there was $5 on the floor. She asked her 2 coworkers if the money was theirs? They looked at her and said what money? We don’t see anything 😳 They literally straight up did NOT see the $5 laying plain as day in front of them on the floor! 😳

  9. I stopped to give some cash to a homeless standing out in the hot sun. He had a sign which always gets my attention. We talked for a bit and when I heard he and his wife were living in the car I had to do more. I found out about a local organization that has a location where homeless people can shower, use the internet and get some general information about programs that might help them.

    It seemed like nothing, but I drive back a few hours later with the address and phone number of the site. He was thrilled and I felt good.

    A small thing

  10. A former colleague and friend had a serious fall which required brain surgery. Provided dinner several night, ran errands and checked on her mental well-being weekly

  11. A dear friend needed a slideshow created for a memorial she was attending. They couldn’t find anyone available to help. In Thor’s honor, I created a slideshow that was shared at the memorial for a lovely man and that featured his love story with his partner. This kindness is a gift that will keep on giving now that the video is complete and will remain available to the loved ones of Steve Polar. Long live love.


  12. Bought breakfast for 3 bicycle patrolmen, thanked them for their service and asked them to Pay it Forwards

  13. I was eating dinner at a restaurant with one of my kids. The waitress was very pleasant, everything came fast, and the food was excellent. The waitress had been there since the morning, working a very long day, but still was professional and very cheery. I gave her a very generous tip to pay it forward.

  14. I always struggle to choose a simple act of kindness to celebrate Thor. I was wondering why that is and I decided that it might be because when I do simple acts of kindness, I really do them for myself! Or at least they end up making me feel happy and grateful. So, my simple act of kindness to myself was hosting a Celebration of Life for my dear friend Steve Poplar. Steve had such an incredible life and I was blessed to know him for 22 years. Steve was the partner of one of my dearest friends, and they lived their love so beautifully. It was such a gift to be able to share my beautiful home and garden with more than 40 of his dear friends. What a blessing.

    Thanks for reminding me about the gift of these simple acts, Thor! Today I celebrate the forever love that you and Jen Louden share. Thank you!

  15. Helping my aunt out with her basement and helped a lady at work with her prescriptions for her vacation!

  16. Donated water, Coca Cola, bubbles and toys to Venezuelan refugees who have been camped out at CPD district 15 for at least a month. Had planned to stay and entertain the kids but they were all over doing it for themselves. Plan to go back and donated more and thank the officers at District 15.

  17. I helped Jared Mose in Kenya set up a water refill station with an Aqua Clara facility water filter so he can sell purified water to people for the water coolers in their homes. This will allow him to make an income to feed his family.

  18. I worked with my church (Broadway United Methodist) to coordinate a back to school back pack with supplies program for refugees in the Chicago area. We’re collecting stuff the rest of the month and hope to have 100 back packs when we’re done

  19. I ran to the grocery store and took my groceries out to my car and was returning the cart (Aldi, you know) when I noticed an older woman slowly pushing her cart to her car parked in a handicapped spot. I came back from returning my cart and asked her if I could take her cart back for her and offered her my quarter. She said that she’d really appreciate that and didn’t want my quarter, but it would take her a few minutes because she was really slow. I said that was fine and asked if I could help. She had me load a few things in a cooler in her trunk and then I lifted her other bags into the trunk. She said it was such a blessing that I had stopped because she didn’t think she could have lifted those bags (made me wonder how she would get them in at home…). I took her cart back and left it unhooked for the next person who might have forgotten their quarter.

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